How to integrate Instagram with Drops

Instagram is one of our most popular platforms to use Drops for.

You can verify follows to your account and posting across reels and stories.

Our customers use Drops to increase their followers, drive to their marketing campaigns through reposts in story, and get engagement on their posts.

  1. Follow your account

  2. Post a story tagging your account

  3. Repost your content to their story

  4. Post a reel tagging your account

How we recomend using this technology

We are able to save the users content created around your brand. So many companies use our technology to source UGC content that they repurpose as ads, landing page testimonials, and post natively on their page.

If your audience is primarily on Instagram, we recommend doing your drop announcement there. So create a piece of content around the drop. Then you can use the repost content piece to get more shares to your original post. This creates ripple effects through your users networks. You can use this extra attention to drive verified follows to your account.

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